Please see below our School policies, if you require any paper copies please get in touch with school. You will also find below links to policies we share as an Academy.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you require any futher assistance with any of the below.
CDAT Charging and Remissions Policy
CDAT Allegations against staff Policy
CDAT Supporting children with Medical needs Policy
CDAT Looked after children Policy
Anti Bullying Policy LB.pdf Attendance and Absence Policy LB.pdf Behaviour Policy LB.pdf Health and Safety Policy LB.pdf Invacuation, Lockdown and Evacuation Policy.pdf Mental Health Policy LB.pdf Online Safety Policy LB.pdf RSE Policy LB.pdf Safeguarding and Child protection Policy.pdf Primary Teaching and Learning Policy LB.pdf Curriculum Policy LB.pdf EYFS Policy LB.pdf SEND Policy LB.pdf School Uniform Policy.pdf